
Each authentication method will specify credentials for DataRobot, as well as the location of the DataRobot deployment. We currently support configuration using a configuration file, by setting environment variables, or within the code itself.


You will have to specify an API token and an endpoint in order to use the client. You can manage your API tokens in the DataRobot webapp, in your profile. This section describes how to use these options. Their order of precedence is as follows, noting that the first available option will be used:

  1. Setting endpoint and token in code using datarobot.Client

  2. Configuring from a config file as specified directly using datarobot.Client

  3. Configuring from a config file as specified by the environment variable DATAROBOT_CONFIG_FILE

  4. Configuring from the environment variables DATAROBOT_ENDPOINT and DATAROBOT_API_TOKEN

  5. Searching for a config file in the home directory of the current user, at ~/.config/datarobot/drconfig.yaml


If you access the DataRobot webapp at, then the correct endpoint to specify would be If you have a local installation, update the endpoint accordingly to point at the installation of DataRobot available on your local network.

Set Credentials Explicitly in Code

Explicitly set credentials in code:

import datarobot as dr
dr.Client(token='your_token', endpoint='')

You can also point to a YAML config file to use:

import datarobot as dr

Use a Configuration File

You can use a configuration file to specify the client setup.

The following is an example configuration file that should be saved as ~/.config/datarobot/drconfig.yaml:

token: yourtoken

You can specify a different location for the DataRobot configuration file by setting the DATAROBOT_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. Note that if you specify a filepath, you should use an absolute path so that the API client will work when run from any location.

Set Credentials Using Environment Variables

Set up an endpoint by setting environment variables in the UNIX shell:

export DATAROBOT_API_TOKEN=your_token